Audra Kubat has updated her website - she is in Brooklyn NYC, she has an apartment, she found a job, AND she has finished her new album with Times Beach Records! Whew, that girl can move through the world like a warm spoon through butter - here is a link to a recent interview with Audra, check it out - there is a cool picture of her as well.
UCA recently hosted and evening of acoustic pop rock with Bay Village teenage pop diva Kate Voegele and I don't remember seeing you there - and I have to ask myself - why the hell weren't all of you at the cafe for that night? It was a great show! She brought young guitar slinger Sam Getz and Will Voegele (her dad) to play alongside her and between them they made truly fantastic music (the three of them together and Kate solo) there is no longer any doubt in my mind that Kate is capable of getting to the top of the 'business model'. Ok, juicy gossip: Kate is working with Marshall Altman (yup that A&R guy from Columbia Records) - and I understand that Kate has procurred the services of both an Entertainment Lawyer and a Manager - she ain't foolin' around here - she has recently re-recorded several of the already-hot-sounding songs from "The Other Side" EP (which was recorded in Lakewood ohio) with Marshall out in some fancy schmancy Hollywood studio - whew! I would loooove to hear those new cuts! I bet they sparkle like diamonds! Will explained briefly that after Altman heard songs from "The Other Side" EP he picked a couple to re-record with an 'edgier' groove in order to shop them to the major lables. Kates fabulous acoustic performances indicate to me that she has developed (in only a short period of time) a healthy and mature 'working musicians' respect for acoustic instumentation and an already excellent grasp of what it takes to work within an acoustic performance setting, I guess it's up to the Mighty Music Industry Machine to lift Kate's warmly glowing gift up up and away into the pop-culture ubersphere where it can be heard and seen by all - that is after all what they do best. Until Kate has 'flown the coop' so to speak I hope we get to hear more than a few more of those parred-down style performances with Sam and Will - the next show here in town is at Hard Rock, Kate is the local Pantene Pro Teen voice finalist: Kate Voegele Fri, Nov 19 7:00-9:00PM Pantene Pro Voice & YM Magazine Listening Party Hard Rock Cafe CLEVELAND OH
Solo performance newcomer Miriam Mendelson will play songs and recite poetry for a couple of hours over at the Eye Candy Gallery in Tremont for the 2nd Friday Art Walk November 12- she has been coming out to the Open Mic events at UCA religiously for a couple of months now, singing her heart out at every chance, and had asked me for the opportunity to stretch out a little bit more into an evening of music and poetry that she could 'call her own' and so be it! The Eye Candy is the place to be to begin or end the Tremont Art Walk and that's where you will find artist and gallery operators Rita and Bob Telaak. The fabulous hand fabricated Art Jewelry pieces that Rita creates are not to be missed, you will probably decide that you cannot live a single day longer without one or more of her pieces adorning your body and life!
Adam Zadok is finally coming into town this month from Buffalo NY for a night of acoustic musical revelry at UCA on Saturday November 13 - and I am looking forward to hearing him play live after speaking with him on the phone, and hearing his CD. Check the entire November UCA Music Calendar for all of the music scheduled this month.
December will be a light music calendar with our last live music night of the year at UCA being Dec. 18th - a "Strange Night at the U.C. Arabica" with live recording sponsored by Strangelove Recording and a lineup of musical acts featuring --- well, we are going to have a bunch of acts, I am not ready to publish any potential lineup yet because its still only November. I am personally going to want to try to fit as many acts into the one night of recording as will be humanly possible - think of all those clowns coming out of a tiny car at the circus - just like that - but I don't know that Adam feels exactly the same way about things so - well - I dunno - at 2 to 3 songs per act I think its going to be crazy night anyway we work it. Just plan on being there even if you are not 'on the bill' because we are going to have fun - so there. If you are interested in recording that night, lemme know, and soon.
Anyhow, I hope that these blog entries are interesting to a few readers, if you have anything to say to me just drop a line to my email address