I have added a BASS GUITAR to my mini arsenal of cool instruments, heh, and, bonus, it is gently used and I have no problem carrying it in a trash bag, which is what i have been doing. so, how are all of you? to my surprise i ran into allan madej just the oher day and he actually has read this blog o mine, which is so nice to hear because i have been a bit dormant but not dead dointch know. i have some new songs reordd i will get em posted to me site here in the very near future. and what have i been listeniging to i will tell you wright now....JESSICA MAYFIELD (I now am convinced she is bound for greatness, she is featured on the new Black Keys album) and Ashley Brooke Toussant who has, it seems, moved to Chicagoland. and her new songs are sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetness she is on myspace at
this link. and yes the new Black Keys album sounds awesomenessly gooooooooood as is should, no more basement cool sounds these are more sophisticated type studie (Suma Studios) oh sounds. the new album is NOT on iTunes just yet you get two of em on myspace for FREE. i like free.