Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lehman joins the Dead Financial Dinosaurs Club

Lehman joins the Dead Financial Dinosaurs Club: Lehman Brothers (LEH) has gone the way of the dinosaurs, joining Bear Stears and Freddie and Fannie in the financial graveyard of Catastrophically Lost Causes. Is it even worth noting that this is the single LARGEST bankruptcy in the history of the USA? 690 something billion dollars, according to CNBC, yeah, six times more than World Com, the only other bankruptcy that even comes close to Lehman in terms of dollar impact. And, whew, dig this analyst Nouriel Roubini, economics professor at NYU's Stern School, he is ALL OVER THE NEWS, and he is a super harsh BEAR, bashing EVERY FINANCIAL OUTFIT known to man, he says things are just starting to get BAD, and its going to get worse, he says, nonchalantly, that even Goldman Sacks (GS) may fall. And now we have AIG (AIG) seeking cash, stock crashing, and who is going to give em cash? Looks like the gov will give them a huge 85 Billion Dollar Loan....now that's a jumbo sized loan!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The LHC is coming....run for your LIFE!! Agh!

The LHC is coming....run for your LIFE!! Agh! The Large Hadron Collider is supposed to be coming up to speed and will be 'online' Wed. Sept. 10 2008 ... I have read there is a possibility that bringing this thing up to energy may end the world, something about it producing dangerous tiny black holes, that might grow and engulf the world ... oooh sounds refreshing ..... here is MSU's Kate McAlpine showing off with her somewhat infamous Large Hadron Rap... Hmm, this is a pretty cool little ditty. At any rate, I am sure the fact of this thing coming online is VERY exciting to all the graduate students involved in the project, and you can follow some of that excitement (if your inclined) over at this ATLAS control room... and at the ATLAS home page

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Frances Bean Cobain at 15

Oooh, looks like F. B. Cobain has grown into a well dressed, high heeled, high fashion model. Fascinating. She looks terrific - I hope she can hang onto the ropes REALLY tight, you know what I mean, uhm, off balance behavior runs in her family tree....I am a huge Nirvana fan and I had almost completely forgotten about Frances...and now here she is....my own daughter is only a few years younger than the Bean and also born in Seattle...when I lived in Seattle and worked as a tour guide for Argosy Cruises I always made a point to mention to the cruisers to look for the house (among the many similiar looking huge mansions) just above and along the shore of lake Washington where Curdt had blown his brains out...it always seemed important to mention the house as we floated along past it...strangely, I never did visit the house myself, or Curts park, however, I will always remember the front page of the morning paper the day after Kurdt's body was discovered.