Thursday, January 29, 2009

More Cleveland Bands for Consideration

I am listening to Cleveland Bands this morning while I work to Organize My Life Into More Managable Piles. (Pssst: I am adding links to music over there =>) I like The Very Knees, hmmmmm, and I went there from the Dreadful Yawns, and then over to Hobo Monk. The Yawns are mellow groovy, the Afternoon Naps sound cutesy. Maybe I need to go out and hear more Cleveland bands? LIke, in an effort to join one as bass player?? After all, I HAVE a bass and I can PLAY IT too - so there it is then.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Very Cool Music: William Orbit

I have been looking at the 'it' list over at Wimpyplayer just diggin' round there for what I think of as the coolest music webs and they have this link to William Orbit - here is the wiki link for more - really a great little site, tight and fast, informative and to the point, great photos, with really kickin free tunes (this guy produced Madonna and Pink among others).

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Cellphone Camera is Broken!! BooHoo!!!

All of the photos I have posted in this blog and in my website have been taken with my 2mega pixel cell phone camera and I really don't think anything can be done with a malfunctioning camera cell phone, I had it explained to me once that a cellphone will slowly 'cook' its Operating System with it's own emission of microwaves - sounds plausible. So, does that mean my cell phone is slowly cooking my brain? Will my brain eventually break down due to microwave exposure?? Scary.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tarp money? What TARP money??

The gov gave (or loaned I am not clear on that detail) 45 BILLION dollars in taxpayers TARP money to CitiGroup (C) not to awfully long ago and, look, today the stock is below 5 bucks a share and dropping as the bank appears to be on the verge of breaking up. Hmmmm, so is that what the 700 BILLION bucks in TARP money is supposed to do, disappear into the deep dark recesses of failing banks, maybe never to be seen again?? I understood it was meant to loosen up the lending/credit when does that part of the deal kick in?? What's really going on here, did the taxpaying public just let 45 BILLION bucks disappear into a toilet? Damn.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Oh my it's Jessica Lea Mayfield .... all around

Jessica Lea Mayfield continues her efforts at World Domination in category Acoustic Guitar Slinger Songwriter .... and she may yet succeed beyond anyones wildest imagination, who knows. Here she is in a very keen video taken somewhere nice in Amersterdam gee, neato. And check out the sound of that guitar pickup, good huh, I like her sparkly eye makeup. Sigh :)

Monday, January 05, 2009


The Detroit Theatre in Lakewood Ohio is now a First Run movie house, maybe you didn't know that. Thankfully, Yes Man is leaving by this Friday to be replaced by something for girlies. Hmmmm, more later.