Had a really great open mic night last Wednesday, brought most of my toys: mixing board, snare drum, and bass guitar just in case there was to be any 'wild' jamming - so far the jamming hasn't been real crazy, but I never know what might happen so I try to be prepared.
Began setting things up when a really pretty young lady (who had been lounging around when I got there) approached to ask about getting signed up to play. I said hi and pointed out the sign up sheet and she introduced herself as Audra Kubat, in from Detroit to play at the Barking Spider and wanting to share a few songs at 9 before going over there. I played an early solo set for about 45 minutes while the room was really nice and quiet - only a few patrons, I just turned the PA waaaay down and crooned into that nice evening light, it was sweet, real sweet.
By the time Audra returned, several folks had dropped in, some who intended to play music including Jim Snively and another fellow by the name of Jimmy Logston. It was a really nice evening, Audra and Jimmy Logston both turned in great sets, Jim Snively sang really nice and mellow. After the Open Mic Jim Snively and I went to the Barking Spider to catch Audra's set - she is fantastic, I plan on catching her next show when she comes back to Cleveland - her next show is at the Mattress Factory in PA - from the website information, the place looks like its a really cool modern artsy type museum artist commune, hmmm, any possibility there is another Mattress Factory in Pitsburgh?
On a different note, my friend Liz Laguardia has been showing up at a few open mic nights here and there to read poetry and she has recently recorded a few poems, off-the-cuff, at my home studio. I plan on posting at least one of them to the site maybe after we have added some improvised guitar parts or some percussion - until then, here is one of her drawings from Arabica Open Mic a couple weeks ago:
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