HERMITING: During Christmass I had the flu bug and more recently I have had a cold and it's been keeping my inside or I have been using my mild symptoms to stay inside. I have been working on my web skills, learning some new style tricks with CSS, and I have been reading. I am currently reading "American Nomads" (Richard Grant) and I have also "On Foot: A History of Walking" (Joseph Amato). I have also been watching movies, "Angels in America" was pretty good - uhm, is there another part to it?
BLOGGY BUOY: My blog CSS template now 'pretty much' matches the template of my webpage, something I have obsessed over, now, for hours. I have been delving into the fine points of CSS - needles to say, CSS rocks! The only remaining major difference between my blog and my webpage are the hyper link colors. I like the cranberry and the yellow, think I will go with those two colors...still thinking about it...don't rush me... Oh, I guess you weren't rushing me.
LOST IN MYSPACE Agh, what a place, so many friends and so many little options to tweak and freak over, it really should be obvious to anyone that MySpace and Sonicbids are competing for a similiar audience: artists creating the holly grail of connectivity: the ELECTRONIC PRESS KIT. Shades of MP3.com more obvious still is that MySpace can get so ugly, people are doing all kinds of UGLY things to the pages - making pages that are T O O W I D E for instance or to dark or too .. ugly... I currently think that I like Sonicbids because it's so homogonized and consistent but it does cost dollars to put up a sonicbids profile...and it costs to drop your profile on opportunities...at anyrate, I dont yet have a sonicbids profile, but my MySpace ad is looking pretty dang sharp, but I only have 12 friends.
SONICBIDS and TAXI: I was speaking with Steve Roth on the phone the other day (he is a Buffalo NY singer songwriter with RAVE reviews coming to UCA in MARCH) and he has yet to catch a single opportunity through Sonicbids after dropping his EPK several times into a few different promotor drop boxes. He is also a TAXI member (it costs a few hundred bucks to join TAXI) and has had several songs reviewed but hasn't made the hookup just yet. I get the TAXI newsletter, that much is free. "it's only a matter of time and persistence" is what I think I said, or something to that effect. And I believe it! Talent and persistence will produce results in the long run, I just know it!
Directionally Challenged...
9 years ago
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