Saturday, April 26, 2008

KickDrums & Verbal

Oooh I really liked the recent article in the Scene detailing the massive efforts of the Kickdrums to produce themselves into the middle of the MUSIC BIZ ... I like that kind of thing ... & I just downloaded the FREE album of MP3 tracks from KickDrums & Verbal (Idiot Savant) and I am tweakin' out with the sondz right at this very moment ... this is indeed some smooooooooooth sounding shit, very well produced (needless to say ... these guys have worked with, like, some of the most talented rap acts) and the sound of Verbal's vox, heh, it's like a good whiskey, neat & easy, I recomend that you gets these tracks, that is if your at all jonesy to know what is hip in CLE sounds.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Recording Caving Blues

Gary n i recorded a new song, something with lyrics written by a buddy of his ... its a very good blues .... it's on his MYSPACE page, go on over there and check it out

Monday, April 07, 2008

Derek Deprator - Cobra Verde - J. Mascis - J. Fahey

Soooo, I went on down to the Bookstore on W. 25th this past SAT. specifically to listen to, say hello too, and jam with Derica (Derek Deprator - some of you know him as the cross dressing feller playing slide guitar who shows up round town at various cafes and night spots as well as the open mic nights) and low and behold he was not wearing a dress, he had a jeans kinda thing going on, and right off the bat I would like to go on the record as saying that, by jove, D looks alright in a dress and anyhow when you see him in jeans n a T-shirt you will understand. Ah, so,, not too long ago Derica was playing at the now-defunct West side open-mic-live-music-cafe-coffee house MOCHA DREAMS (again, now defunct) and I picked up a couple lil' home burned CD's he was toteing around with him - one of them a small CD in a guitar string bag the other regular sized CD in a plastic bag, each with 3 songs - and, you know, time went by, like it does, and I had been listening to them two CD's for weeks, and really digging them plenty!! The more I played the CD's the more I found I liked them and several of the full-band songs really began to get stuck to my ears, and continue to do so, and I wanted to let him know that the recordings were working for me, I was groovin' on em', and I wanted to jam with him, so I made a point of going out to see him. And so we did jam a bit and I mentioned to him I liked the recordings and he explained to me he had been in and out of bands for years, including the Cobra Verde guys, and, hmmmmm, a little internet research and whadaya know, Derek played on Easy Listening and his name is right there in the guitar playing credits along with J. Mascis of Dinosaur Jr.! For some reason this impresses me when in fact I probably didn't need to be impressed exactly like that anyway, but seems important to mention. .. . anyhow, DD has plenty of recorded stuff out there on the net, I just happen to have been grooving on these full band recordings he has been sittin' on, I guess he is going to release them onto some kind of disc soon......more later.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Winter Took His Life

it's been awhile since I have mentioned this music, I just took another lil' trip over to the juggernaut of MySpace land and listened to this music, it is very peacefull and pretty and you might like to listen to WINTER TOOK HIS LIFE (the artist(s) live in Göteborg, Sweden)

Wild Fish Food

Tonight I got this nice piece of salmon to eat, it is/was wild salmon versus farm raised (which I had a couple weeks ago) and it cost more than farm, and overall it was better in that it was 'thicker' somehow, thicker in taste and a lil bit firmer in texture than the farm raised...i like both. I also made some garlic mashed pots and had some steamed broc...a nice energizing meal. I also dropped into Audra Kubat's blog and her MySpace page, and looked at some YouTube video of Jessica Lea Mayfield..i wont bother to link em here, uhm, because if you google either one of those lady singer songwriters you get a bunch or good links. I have some new songs, gotta get em mixed nice and I will put em up daughter has written and recorded a couple songs with me, i will put those up soon. more later....thanks for dropping in!!!