Tonight I got this nice piece of salmon to eat, it is/was wild salmon versus farm raised (which I had a couple weeks ago) and it cost more than farm, and overall it was better in that it was 'thicker' somehow, thicker in taste and a lil bit firmer in texture than the farm raised...i like both. I also made some garlic mashed pots and had some steamed broc...a nice energizing meal. I also dropped into Audra Kubat's blog and her MySpace page, and looked at some YouTube video of Jessica Lea Mayfield..i wont bother to link em here, uhm, because if you google either one of those lady singer songwriters you get a bunch or good links. I have some new songs, gotta get em mixed nice and I will put em up here....my daughter has written and recorded a couple songs with me, i will put those up soon. more later....thanks for dropping in!!!
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