New Tusq saddle & brass bridge pins! I ordered these goodies from Musicians Friend, the first time I have ordered anything from them. The TUSQ SADDLE is a generic Taylor Compensated (B String) saddle, 1/8Th inch wide. In fact my saddle slot is 3/32 inch wide, however, it was VERY easy to simply use sand paper to adjust the width of the saddle. The height of the saddle needed some adjustment as well, and again, sand paper does the job fine - I did use a vice-grip like tool to hold the saddle between to scrap pieces of wood while I moved it back and forth across the sand paper. Also the length of the saddle needed to be worked - I hacked a piece off the length with (of all things) a hack saw. The shape of the top of the saddle was fine, no adjustment was needed, and after it fit the slot in height, width and length I put the strings on and BINGO it sounded great! The compensated B string is almost crucial to getting an acoustic guitar tuned up properly. And the newly installed brass bridge pins really add to the sound of my guitar, making it sing very sweetly in the high end - and the mids are stronger - lows are more focused. Overall, the combination of the brass bridge pins and the unique TUSQ saddle have improved the sound of my guitar substantially. I am a happy camper!!!
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